Cancer is life-changing, and a diagnosis usually turns life upside down for a patient and their family. Every patient with cancer wants to know that there are multiple treatment options and new researches for cancer treatment, as well as knowing that someone else cares.
Compassionate care is a whole healthcare system approach that includes patient empowerment, the culture of care, patient care and patient experience. Empathy and compassion may not be taught in medical school, but they are an essential part of cancer treatment to help patients manage the uncertainty of living with their condition.
Compassionate care is not just about the care provided but about how that care is delivered. It is all about listening to the patient, hearing the patient and their needs and dealing with them, and also keeping them updated on their situation and new developments. It has to be a whole patient approach. Simple acts of kindness can help improve the treatment outcomes for patients.
It is important to remind caregivers to exercise compassion in the following ways:
• Deep listening – Listening intently to cancer patients and their families builds trust, respect and enables the physician to be that trusted guide who offers relevant medical expertise and develops a care plan that agrees with the values and priorities of the patient. Genuine patient-centric care determines the fears, concerns, and priorities of a patient as well as what matters to them.
• Empathy – Empathy entails avoiding judgment when assessing the situation, recognizing the present emotion and responding to that emotion by genuinely caring. Empathy represents an anticipatory kindness that is based on caringly assessing the patient's situation and what is likely to stress them.
• Generous acts – Kindness is shown through generous acts. Simple acts like providing advice to patients on how to handle certain situations, or even a hug or a foot massage for a patient undergoing chemotherapy can really offer to renew buffers to the emotional stress and fatigue of seriously ill patients.
• Timely care – Keeping a cancer patient waiting for an appointment, treatment or test results can be an excruciating experience for them. A commitment to being on time shows kindness and reduces anxiety. Cancer centers should redesign their systems to ensure that they provide timely care and off-hours emergency services, telemedicine and other services that are technology driven to minimize delays.
Cancer is a high potency word that requires honesty and words that convey a sense of partnership that will help guide them in their difficult decisions. Intrinsic hope helps patients to live in the moment of a good day filled with positive reflections. Cancer patients depend on various caregivers including family and medical caregivers. They need every assistance with medical care, emotional support and daily provisions. Offering them personalized, compassionate care is a sure way to steer them to wellness.
Compassionate care is a whole healthcare system approach that includes patient empowerment, the culture of care, patient care and patient experience. Empathy and compassion may not be taught in medical school, but they are an essential part of cancer treatment to help patients manage the uncertainty of living with their condition.
Compassionate care is not just about the care provided but about how that care is delivered. It is all about listening to the patient, hearing the patient and their needs and dealing with them, and also keeping them updated on their situation and new developments. It has to be a whole patient approach. Simple acts of kindness can help improve the treatment outcomes for patients.
It is important to remind caregivers to exercise compassion in the following ways:
• Deep listening – Listening intently to cancer patients and their families builds trust, respect and enables the physician to be that trusted guide who offers relevant medical expertise and develops a care plan that agrees with the values and priorities of the patient. Genuine patient-centric care determines the fears, concerns, and priorities of a patient as well as what matters to them.
• Empathy – Empathy entails avoiding judgment when assessing the situation, recognizing the present emotion and responding to that emotion by genuinely caring. Empathy represents an anticipatory kindness that is based on caringly assessing the patient's situation and what is likely to stress them.
• Generous acts – Kindness is shown through generous acts. Simple acts like providing advice to patients on how to handle certain situations, or even a hug or a foot massage for a patient undergoing chemotherapy can really offer to renew buffers to the emotional stress and fatigue of seriously ill patients.
• Timely care – Keeping a cancer patient waiting for an appointment, treatment or test results can be an excruciating experience for them. A commitment to being on time shows kindness and reduces anxiety. Cancer centers should redesign their systems to ensure that they provide timely care and off-hours emergency services, telemedicine and other services that are technology driven to minimize delays.
Cancer is a high potency word that requires honesty and words that convey a sense of partnership that will help guide them in their difficult decisions. Intrinsic hope helps patients to live in the moment of a good day filled with positive reflections. Cancer patients depend on various caregivers including family and medical caregivers. They need every assistance with medical care, emotional support and daily provisions. Offering them personalized, compassionate care is a sure way to steer them to wellness.
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